Puffins Class

Puffins Planning Letter: Autumn Term 3/4 2024 - Mrs Lancaster & Mrs Pepper

I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and a warm welcome back to school! We are in for a fun filled term of learning with our new class topic, Farm to Fork.

Over the course of Term 3 and 4, we will have a Geography focus where our big question will be ‘Is Sussex rural or urban?’. This will look in depth at physical and human geography and enable the children to

build up a list of geography words, study maps and identify features and understand how areas change over time.


In English this term, we are studying The Sheep-Pig by Dick King Smith. This classic tale links well with our topic of Farm to Fork and will allow the children to explore many different genres of writing whilst giving them the chance to enjoy excellent literature. Alongside this, we will be reading The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis.

Our focus this term is on writing progression and understanding the place value of punctuation and grammar. Alongside this, we will continue with our daily spelling as well as reading with an adult.


This term in Science we are looking at animals, including humans with a focus on nutrition, muscles, bones and movement.


This term in RE we will be learning about Christianity with the big question ‘What is the Trinity?’. Children will learn to describe how Christians show their beliefs about God, the Trinity in worship (in baptism and prayer, for example) and in the way they live.


We will continue with our recorder sessions with Mrs. Freeman every Thursday. The children are currently learning to play the song ‘The Heebie Jeebies’.


Last term we started working on multiplication and division, with particular emphasis on the Year 3’s learning their 3,4 and 8 times table whilst the Year 4’s solidified their knowledge on all of their times tables up to their 12s. We have now moved on to more complex multiplication and division, learning methods to calculate 2 and 1 digit multiplications. Later in the term we will begin a module on measurement of length involving finding the perimeter and area of a shape, fractions and finally finishing on a Year 3 focus of measurement of mass and capacity whilst the Year 4’s begin to look at decimals.


This term we are focusing on ball skills with Wayne on a Monday and gymnastics on a Friday. Please can the children remember to come in in their P.E. kits on these days.

Art & Design

We are very fortunate to have Mrs. West teaching art in Puffins class. The children will be creating their own ‘Green Man’ plaque, made from clay, based on the American folk-art farming pictures.


The children will continue to build their knowledge of French and we will be looking at shapes and colours.