Curriculum Overview

Whole School Curriculum Outline

More information about the curriculum can be found on the class page for each class. If further information is required, please contact the school office.

Cycle A – Terms 1 & 2

  Peacocks Class Kingfishers class Puffins Class Eagles Class
Topic Title Good to be me and Our wonderful world Homes
Great Fire of London
Stone Age Invaders
Key Primary Text Owl Babies
I am Rosa Parks, Coming Home
Greek Myths, A Christmas Carol
The Iron Man, Midsomer Nights Dream Odd and the Frost Giant
How to train your dragon
Secondary Text Zog House Held up by Trees, The Something
Vlad and the Great Fire of London
 Stig of The Dump Viking Boy
History Family Tree, Toys from the past / Who is the queen? Remembrance How have houses and homes changed through history?
Why was there a ‘Great’ Fire of London? Has London burned since?
What was life like in the Stone Age?
Did life improve in the iron age?
What happened to Britain when the Romans left?
Did the Vikings deserve their reputation?
Geography Where is my school? Where is my home? What types of houses can we see in Framfield?
What is the United Kingdom?
What was traded in the bronze age and iron age? Why would people want to come to the UK?
Where and what do Vikings trade?
Science Similarities and differences  Sc1/3.1 Everyday materials Sc4/4.1 Sound
Sc4/4.2 Electricity
Sc6/4.2 Electricity
Sc6/4.1 Light
Art Mark making/ collage with natural materials, primary colours Painting and collage Clay vessels Clay, glazed celtic brooches
DT Free exploration of materials Free Standing Structures- House Simple Circuits including switch design Circuits and more complex switches- (including programming)
RE Creation 1 / Incarnation 1 1.6 Who is Muslim and how do they live?
Incarnation 1.3 Why does Christmas mater to Christians?
Creation 2a.1 What do Christians learn from the creation story?
People of God 2a.2 What is it like to follow God?
God 2b.1 What does it mean if God is holy and loving? and Incarnation 2b.4 Was Jesus the Messiah?
PSHE Being me I the world F2
Celebrating Difference F2
Being me in the world Y2
Celebrating DifferenceY2
Being me I the world Y4
Celebrating Difference FY4
Relationship Y4
Celebrating Difference Y6
PE Games – manipulative skills
Games A +D
Games – manipulative skills
Games A +D
Invasion games
Net and wall
Invasion games
Net and wall

Cycle A – Terms 3 & 4

  Peacocks Class Kingfishers class Puffins Class Eagles Class
Topic Title Let it snow, let it grow Our World
Kisii, Kenya
Ancient Egypt Rivers and Forces
Key Primary Text Farmer Duck, The tiger who came to tea Jack and the beanstalk, The tale of Peter Rabbit
Sheep-pig, Just so stories
Varjak Paw The Explorer, My Shadow
Secondary Text Little Red and the very hungry lion Here we are, Lila and the secret rain
Handa’s surprise
The Scarab’s Secret, Flat Stanley in Egypt, The time travelling Cat Journey to the River Sea, Rhythm of the rain, The Explorer
History Making a time line   Why did the Egyptians civilisation last so long?
What have archaeologists taught us?
What’s the link between ancient civilisations and rivers?
Geography The North and South Poles Where in the world are we?
Framfield and Kisii: What is the same and what is different?
Location of continents and countries in the continent of Africa What features make a river? Are all rivers the same?
Science Growth, decay and changes over time Life cycles Sc1/2.2 Animals Including Humans
Sc1/4.1 Seasonal Changes
Sc4/2.1 Living Things and their habitats Sc5/2.1
Sc6/2.1 Living Things and Their Habitats Sc5/4.2 Forces
Art Printing with natural materials  and mixed media Fruit collage Drawing– shape & pattern Mixed media
DT Designing Easter gardens Preparing Fruit- Where does it come from? Textiles, 2d Shape to 3D product (bendy bags) Frame Structures (Bird Hides)
RE F4: Being special: where do we belong?
Salvation 1 Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?
1.6 Who is Muslim and how do they live?
Salvation 1.5 Why does Easter matter to Christians?
L2.10 How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?
L2.9 How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?
Why is the Torah so important to Jewish people? And Salvation 2b.7 What did Jesus do to save human beings?
PSHE Dreams and Goals F2
Healthy Me F2
Dreams and Goals Y2
Healthy Me Y2
Relationships Y3
Changing Me Y3
Dreams and Goals Y6
Healthy Me Y6
PE Gym and Dance Gym and Dance Gym/Dance/Swimming Gym/ ORA

Cycle A – Terms 5 & 6

  Peacocks Class Kingfishers class Puffins Class Eagles Class
Topic Title Once upon a time and Ocean Explorers Predators and Prey and where to find them South East Britain in World War 2 Earth Moon and Stars
Key Primary Text The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Snail and the whale
The Day the crayons quit, George’s Marvellous Medicine
Matilda Chronicles of Narnia
Anne Frank
Secondary Text Tadpole’s promise There’s a Lion in my cornflakes, Zoo Poppy Field, War Game Cosmic
Jamie Drake Equation
History Where do the old stories come from? How have they changed? How did people travel in the past? Did we win the Battle of Britain because of the few?
What happened in Sussex during the Second World War?
What’s harder: climbing a mountain on earth or climbing a mountain in space?
Geography Where are the lands and the oceans? Where in the world are our favourite animals? Is Sussex similar to Pas-de-Calais? What makes a mountain a mountain?
Science Living creatures you find in our Oceans Sc1/2.1 Plants
Sc2/2.1 Living things and their habitats
Sc3/4.1 Light
Sc3/4.2 Forces and Magnets
Sc5/4.1 Earth and Space
Art Exploring Clay Relief prints– making blocks Mixed media Painting-tones, tints & shades
DT Aquariums Mechanisms- Sliders and levers Shell Structures- Sweetie box Textiles– combining different fabrics
RE F5: Which places are special and why?
F6: Which stories are special and why?
1.10 What does it mean to belong to a faith community?
What makes our church a special place?
Gospel 2a.4, What kind of world did Jesus want?
L2.12 How and why do people try to make the world a better place?
U2.7 Why do Hindus want to be good?
U2.11 Why do some people believe in God and some people not?
PSHE Relationships F2
Changing Me F2
Relationships Y2
Changing Me Y2
Relationships Y4
Changing Me Y4
Relationships Y6
Changing Me Y6
PE Athletics
Strike and field
Strike and field
Strike and field
Strike and field

Cycle B – Terms 1 & 2

  Peacocks Class Kingfishers class Puffins Class Eagles Class
Topic Title Good to be me and Our wonderful world SOS Roman Britain The Mayans
Key Primary Text Owl Babies
I am Rosa Parks, Coming Home
Greek Myths, A Christmas Carol
Charlottes Web Holes, Girl of Ink and Stars,
The Highwayman
Secondary Text Superworm Supertato Lighthouse Keepers Lunch The Roman’s Quest
Empires End
The Chocolate Tree
The Rain Player
History Family Tree, Toys from the past, Who is the queen? Remembrance Why do we need to remember Grace Darling, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole? Why did the Romans come to Britain, and did everyone want them there?
How did the Romans influence life in Britain?
Who were the Maya?
What makes the Maya special?
Geography Where is my school? Where is my home? What can we see in our UK capital cities?
What’s it like in Autumn?
Is the UK a good place to live and work? Is central America an easy place to live in?
Science Similarities and differences Sc2/2.3 Animals including humans Sc3/2.1 Plants Sc5/3.1 Properties and Changes of Materials
Art Mark making/ collage with natural materials, primary colours Painting– secondary colours Mosaic Lino printing
DT Masks Preparing Vegetables- Where do they come from? Pneumatics Pulleys and Gears
RE Creation 1 Why is the word ’God’ so important to Christians?
Incarnation 1 Why do Christians perform nativity plays at Christmas?
Creation 1.2 Who made the world?
1.1 What do Christians believe God is like?
L2.7 What do Hindus believe God is like?
L2.8 What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?
Gospel 2b.5/ What would Jesus do?
U2.8 What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
PSHE Being me I the world F2
Celebrating Difference F2
Being me I the world Y1
Celebrating DifferenceY1
Being me in the world Y3
Celebrating Difference FY3
Relationships y4
Celebrating Difference Y5
PE Games – manipulative skills
Games A +D
Games – manipulative skills
Games A +D
Invasion games
Net and wall
Invasion games
Net and wall

Cycle B – Terms 3 & 4

  Peacocks Class Kingfishers class Puffins Class Eagles Class
Topic Title Let it snow, let it grow Rainforests Farm to Fork North and South America
Key Primary Text Farmer Duck
The Tiger who came to tea
Jack and the beanstalk
Tale of Peter Rabbit
Magicians Nephew
Ice Palace
Wolf Brother
Secondary Text Lost and Found The Great Kapok Tree
Slowly, slowly, slowly, said the sloth
The Sheep Pig The boy with the butterfly mind
History Making a time line      
Geography The North and South Poles Where are the rainforests? How do we find our way? What is it like in winter? Is Sussex rural or urban? From tip to top: What is the geography of the Americas like?
Science Growth, decay and changes over time- Life cycles Sc2/2.2 Plants
Sc2/2.1 Living things and their habitats
Sc4/2.2 Animals including humans
Sc6/2.2  & Sc5/2.2 Animals including humans
Art Printing with natural materials  and mixed media Clay animals
Oil pastels and chalk
Clay– green man tiles Mixed Media
DT Designing Easter gardens Textiles- Templates and joining Healthy and Varied Diet Food– celebrating culture and seasonality
RE F4: Being special: Where do we belong?
Salvation 1 Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?
1.7 Who is Jewish and how do they live?
1.9 How should we care for others and the world, and why does it matter?
Incarnation 2a.3 What is the trinity? Salvaion2A5– Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday? Creation 2b.2  Conflict or complementary? and Kingdom od How do people with non-religious views decide what is a good life?
PSHE Dreams and Goals F2
Healthy Me F2
Dreams and Goals Y1
Healthy Me Y1
Dreams and Goals Y3
Healthy Me Y3
Dreams and Goals Y5
Healthy Me Y5
PE Gym and Dance Gym and Dance Gym and Dance / Swimming Gym and Dance

Cycle B – Terms 5 & 6

  Peacocks Class Kingfishers class Puffins Class Eagles Class
Topic Title Once upon a time and Ocean Explorers Space Natural disasters Ancient Greece
Key Primary Text The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Snail and the whale The Day the Crayons Quit, Georges Marvellous Medicine
The Abominable Boy At the Back of the Class, Skellig, The House with Chicken legs
Secondary Text Selkie Man on the moon
Sea of Tranquillity
Escape from Pompeii Who Let The Gods Out?
History Where do the old stories come from? How have they changed? How has space travel changed? Who was the first man on the moon? What remains from the 79AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius? What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?
Geography Where are the lands and the oceans? What is it like in spring?
What is it like in summer?
Is our world dangerous? How has the physical geography of Greece affected its human geography? Did ancient Greeks help geographers?
Science Living creatures you find in our Oceans Sc2/2.1 Plants Sc2/2.1 Living things and their habitats Sc3/3.1 Rocks
Sc4/3.1 Sates of matter
Sc6/2.3  evolution
Art Exploring Clay Oil pastels and chalk Relief printing– polystyrene drawing
DT Aquariums Wheels and Axles Levers and Linkages (pop up book) Working with axles
RE F5: Which places are special and why?
F6: Which stories are special and why?
1.7 Who is Jewish and how do they live?
Gospel 1.4 What is the good  news that Jesus brings?
Kingdom of God 2a.6 When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?L2.11 How and why do people mark the significant events of life? Kingdom of God 2b.8 What kind of king was Jesus?
U2.12 How does faith help when life gets hard?
PSHE Relationships F2
Changing Me F2
Relationships Y1
Changing Me Y1
Dreams and Goals Y4 / Healthy Me Y4 Relationships y5
Changing me y5
PE Athletics
Strike and field
Strike and field
Strike and field
Strike and field

Homework Expectations